Saturday, 19 May 2012

Just popping in

To be honest, the only reason I decided to write today is because I wanted to share a song with you. It is called "Was it I?" by a band called Takida. I really enjoy their music but this particular song I also love because of the video so I hope you enjoy! 

Yours sincerely,

Friday, 18 May 2012

Lazy is mainstream man!

I guess both Olivia and I have been a bit busy and lazy but I am here to break that lazy streak, at least for now. I don't have much to say apart from the fact that I have been relaxing for the last two days and I believe Olivia's been off on a spa weekend... Ow, how envious I am of her but also happy for her. 
It's hard to break a lazy streak so I think that's all I am going to leave you with actually but also, I had a lovely bowl of ice cream today so I will leave you with a picture of that too.
 And as for the song of the day. I was listening to this song while I was in the gym and I really love the song. I hope you enjoy it. "The A Team" by Ed Sheeran. 

Yours sincerely,

Monday, 14 May 2012

Sitting waiting, wishing that French would be over

For some mysterious reason our first video has stopped working, but hopefully some of you have been able to watch it. We're probably going to put up a new video soon anyway and see what happens. Plus, if we are too lazy to write to you everyday, making a video might be an easy alternative.

We had a French test today that took 3 hours of our precious afternoon. Well, we ended earlier than usual because of the test, so we should actually be happy but we had to really concentrate for a long time and that was rather boring and tiring and we both at some points almost fell asleep. Typical french. Just kidding.

At least we made up for our day by going out later on and having a drink with Felicia. A nice ending to this day.

 The favourite song of the day is "Sitting waiting wishing" by Jack Johnson.

Finally sleeping time!

Yours sincerely

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Firrrrst viddeooo!!!

Song of the day, "jag är en vampyr" by Markus Krunegård.

Your sincerely,

Thursday, 10 May 2012


I've not been very good at writing posts this week, but I've had so many things to do so there just wasn't enough time. And right now I'm extremely tired so excuse me if my english is worse than usual.

Eli told me that I was acting funny today before our last class, which unfortunately was french, and by that she meant more funny than usual. I don't know, but I think it was because I already was tired and knew that I had to stay in town until late because of my orchestra, from whom I -by the way- got a couple of strange looks from when I played...

The favourite song of today is "Man Must Dance" by Johnossi.

I'm just going to leave you with the music video.

Yours sincerely


AAAAHHH!!! IT'S HERE!!! IT'S FINALLY HERE!!! See, the thing is, my friends in Tanzania have been trying to get me to get a new phone so that I can have whatsapp so my aunt ordered a new phone for me a few days ago and it's finally here. She wanted to keep it till June because my original plan was to wait till June to get a new phone. It was a personal goal of mine but when I saw the new phone I just had to beg her so finally I have received my brand new white Sony Ericsson Xperia ray and I love it. Actually, it's still a bit annoying for me that it's a touch screen because I'm not a fan of touch screen phones but seriously they do not sell the non-touch screen phones that I want here so I went with the flow. Damnit! I'm mainstream now! Anyway other than that I also finally received an A in history. FINALLY!!! I was getting impatient but today we got our results for the reports we did (If you can remember how stressed we were with those damn things) and I got an A. Actually we got three grades and I got 2 A's and an E so I am quite happy now. 
We've started a biology practical and today while we were picking pine needles (that's our project- to find out how long a pine needle is) Kim's sister made her a flower head band (if you can call it that) and I thought it was so cute- worth sharing! And she is holding pine needles :D

So, song of the day. If you haven't heard it then I am truly shocked but glad I can be the first to introduce it to you. 'Fix you' by Coldplay. Beautiful song and great band.

Ok, I think I have a slight migraine so I am off. Have a great Friday everyone! And good luck with any thing you may have to tackle, I know I have maths to tackle. 

Yours sincerely,

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Tell my mom I'm gonna be alright

Yes, I know that I've been abscent for two whole days, but here I am, still not finishing my homework. 
So me and Eli have had two maths tests since my last post, and neither of us feel like we did particularly good so in that sense the last couple of days haven't been that great. But something amazing happened to me yesteday morning. I was sitting on the bus as casual as ever when I suddenly see a duplicate of a young(er) version of Gustav Norén (one of the singers in Mando Diao)! As you probably have noticed, I really like Mando Diao's music so this was quite exciting for me. But it gets better; he sat down next to me(on the bus) and awkwardly ate an apple. Actually, when I think about it now it's not really that exciting, but it still made my day.

So to honour this person that looked like a Swedish celebrity, my favourite song of today is "Train on fire" by Mando Diao.

Yours sincerely