Welcome to the world of Nasch. A sneak peak into the lives of two teenagers who are both classmates and friends. Our names are Olivia and Elisabeth and this is the journey of our lives. Enjoy!
To be honest, the only reason I decided to write today is because I wanted to share a song with you. It is called "Was it I?" by a band called Takida. I really enjoy their music but this particular song I also love because of the video so I hope you enjoy!
I guess both Olivia and I have been a bit busy and lazy but I am here to break that lazy streak, at least for now. I don't have much to say apart from the fact that I have been relaxing for the last two days and I believe Olivia's been off on a spa weekend... Ow, how envious I am of her but also happy for her. It's hard to break a lazy streak so I think that's all I am going to leave you with actually but also, I had a lovely bowl of ice cream today so I will leave you with a picture of that too.
And as for the song of the day. I was listening to this song while I was in the gym and I really love the song. I hope you enjoy it. "The A Team" by Ed Sheeran.
For some mysterious reason our first video has stopped working, but hopefully some of you have been able to watch it. We're probably going to put up a new video soon anyway and see what happens. Plus, if we are too lazy to write to you everyday, making a video might be an easy alternative.
We had a French test today that took 3 hours of our precious afternoon. Well, we ended earlier than usual because of the test, so we should actually be happy but we had to really concentrate for a long time and that was rather boring and tiring and we both at some points almost fell asleep. Typical french. Just kidding.
At least we made up for our day by going out later on and having a drink with Felicia. A nice ending to this day.
The favourite song of the day is "Sitting waiting wishing" by Jack Johnson.
I've not been very good at writing posts this week, but I've had so many things to do so there just wasn't enough time. And right now I'm extremely tired so excuse me if my english is worse than usual.
Eli told me that I was acting funny today before our last class, which unfortunately was french, and by that she meant more funny than usual. I don't know, but I think it was because I already was tired and knew that I had to stay in town until late because of my orchestra, from whom I -by the way- got a couple of strange looks from when I played...
The favourite song of today is "Man Must Dance" by Johnossi.
AAAAHHH!!! IT'S HERE!!! IT'S FINALLY HERE!!! See, the thing is, my friends in Tanzania have been trying to get me to get a new phone so that I can have whatsapp so my aunt ordered a new phone for me a few days ago and it's finally here. She wanted to keep it till June because my original plan was to wait till June to get a new phone. It was a personal goal of mine but when I saw the new phone I just had to beg her so finally I have received my brand new white Sony Ericsson Xperia ray and I love it. Actually, it's still a bit annoying for me that it's a touch screen because I'm not a fan of touch screen phones but seriously they do not sell the non-touch screen phones that I want here so I went with the flow. Damnit! I'm mainstream now! Anyway other than that I also finally received an A in history. FINALLY!!! I was getting impatient but today we got our results for the reports we did (If you can remember how stressed we were with those damn things) and I got an A. Actually we got three grades and I got 2 A's and an E so I am quite happy now.
We've started a biology practical and today while we were picking pine needles (that's our project- to find out how long a pine needle is) Kim's sister made her a flower head band (if you can call it that) and I thought it was so cute- worth sharing! And she is holding pine needles :D
So, song of the day. If you haven't heard it then I am truly shocked but glad I can be the first to introduce it to you. 'Fix you' by Coldplay. Beautiful song and great band.
Ok, I think I have a slight migraine so I am off. Have a great Friday everyone! And good luck with any thing you may have to tackle, I know I have maths to tackle.
Yes, I know that I've been abscent for two whole days, but here I am, still not finishing my homework.
So me and Eli have had two maths tests since my last post, and neither of us feel like we did particularly good so in that sense the last couple of days haven't been that great. But something amazing happened to me yesteday morning. I was sitting on the bus as casual as ever when I suddenly see a duplicate of a young(er) version of Gustav Norén (one of the singers in Mando Diao)! As you probably have noticed, I really like Mando Diao's music so this was quite exciting for me. But it gets better; he sat down next to me(on the bus) and awkwardly ate an apple. Actually, when I think about it now it's not really that exciting, but it still made my day.
So to honour this person that looked like a Swedish celebrity, my favourite song of today is "Train on fire" by Mando Diao.
I don't feel like telling you about my day, Because I just don't have anything of interest to say, I really do wish I had lots to share, But alas, there's nothing there, So instead here is my daily song, I hope you enjoy and feel free to sing along.
Ok, but on a serious non-poetic note, Felicia and I were listening to this song while in the gym and I really love it so I hope you do too. Some Die Young by Laleh.
I've been leaning my elbow on my table too hard apparently because now it really hurts when I rest it on anything so I have to life my elbows every time I type or write, like now for instance. So about my day, there's not much to tell, so I won't tell you so much. What I will tell you is that I went out with my friend, Jule for fika. It was great as always hanging out with her but I promised myself that I would start eating 'healthy' so in that area I kind of failed. Oh well! So that's about all that is slightly exciting that happened today. Sorry if my tone seems somewhat bored but I'm a bit sleepy so I'm about to go to sleep.
So, song of the day. Chasing cars by Snow patrol. Enjoy!
My apologies for not having posted yesterday. My mind was elsewhere. I haven't done so much this weekend though so you didn't miss much. It's been studying maths, watching several animation shorts on youtube and chatting. Maths has been the most hectic. I really despise it and simply wish to improve in order to complete it and have it done with. Wouldn't it be heavenly though if you could love all your subjects? Actually, I take that back. It would only make subject choices a lot harder so in fact, thank you maths for being the subject I dislike and thus my easy choice :) Ah, but if I don't improve next month then I'm learning how to kick myself in the backside. Ow, wait! I already know how to do that. Ok, sorry I'm going off track now, let me tell you about today. I did the laundry. That's about it. I did try to study a little maths though. Aah! I can't wait till the next two weeks are over, we are jam packed with tests and I just want them to end. Let's hope they do quickly.
As for the song of the day, I chose 'I move on', I'm not sure by who but it is the music video of the song from the short animation movie 'Sintel'. The song might not be the best but the movie brings me close to tears. For animation and touching story lovers, this is a must see. Such a beautiful
For animation and touching story lovers, this is a must see. Such a beautiful story line about a girl looking for her only friend in the world, a dragon.
I wish you people a joy filled week! Please wish Olivia and I luck and if we don't post for 2 days or more, find help! I'm just kidding :)
Now it's decided! I'm going to have a spa-weekend with my sister and mum in two weeks! It's exactly what I need after these next couple of weeks, some time to really relax and take it easy.
Right now I'm doing some homework that I should have started with yesterday since I now don't have time to do any maths and we're having a maths test tomorrow.
The favourite song favourite song of today is called "Oh Boy" by Miss Li, a Swedish artist who I used to listen to about a year ago. The song is a bit weird but the video fits it perfectly.
Sorry about the short post but I really should be studying right now.
Nothing happened today. Absolutely nothing that was out of the ordinary. I went to school, went to my classes, went home, went out for a jog, went to bed. Well, I'm going to go to bed right now. Oh, and I watched some episodes of "Heroes", an American TV-series that I recently got hooked on.
Favourite song of the day? "Everybody Loves Me" by One Republic, and I don't really have a good reason for choosing it, I just found it in my archives today and thought "this is a such great song, it should be the song of the day".
Friday at last! A great day this was too. Not so much to tell but we did have our Friday Fika and my friend Kim baked a cake. It was cute so hard to cut but also delicious.
What other thing of interest can I tell you about. The gym! Well, I finally went to the gym with Felicia. We worked out for about an hour and it feels great now but I'm quite tired which is why that is about all I am telling you about my day.
My song of the day is 'Klimbin'. Another song by Don Ross with no singing. I originally heard it from another artist called Andy McKee but apparently they did it together or something of the sort, I didn't research into it so I can't be sure. Anyway, ENJOY!
Wow, Eli's favourite song of today is extremely accurate for my thursdays aswell.
The Thursday today have been boring and long and sleepy and useless. The only thing that was good was the sun (if I don't count the absolutely mental people that always brighten my day). I started my day by forgetting my glasses at home and therefore my whole world has been fuzzy today. I had a hard time seeing what the teachers wrote on the whiteboard and so I've got a lovely headache right now (adding a huge amount of sarcasm there).
Anyway, my favourite song of today is "Friday I'm in love" by The Cure, because I'm going to focus on that tomorrow actually is Friday. By the way, sorry about the bad video but I couldn't find anyone better.
Agh, Thursday! I used to like Thursdays, honestly but now I always find myself looking for the end of the day but today was actually ok. I had an english test in the morning which, in my opinion, went well and then nothing special throughout the rest of the day. Although, I did see the student adviser (if that's what I can call him) and we were talking about options for taking Swedish summer courses. Not easy. The most interesting part of my day though was after school. I went for fika or coffee (I'm not sure how you'd translate that into English) with one of my friends and not the most amazing thing happened, by far actually, but we got a small interview by some reporters. It was just a small thing about what we think about the fact that so many people come out when the sun does. I said it was unusual for me because I'd never seen so many people in town like these recent days. The sun has amazing powers. Unfortunately, I didn't think of taking any pictures. Sorry. Anyway, that's about it for my day.
As for the song, I like Eva Simons but I'm still not as amazed at her more recent songs like I was about silly boy. Either way, I decided to pick 'I don't like you' to dedicate it to Thursdays. Listen to the words and you'll know what I mean. Ow, but don't get me wrong, that's not the only reason I chose this song today. It is actually a good song, my earlier point was simply that it is not as good as the first song of hers that I heard which was silly boy so ENJOY!!! :D
The weather was like a hot summerday's today. Wonderful, except maybe a bit too hot when I was biking home.
My day started with me oversleeping by an hour (a whole HOUR!) but I took my mom's bike and was only late by about 15 minutes. Well, I would have been if the lesson wasn't cancelled. It turned out that all our lessons today were cancelled except maths. So therefore I decided to just go home and work with some homework instead. To conclude; I hurried to school, didn't have any lessons, sat in the school library for an hour and then biked home again. Ah well, it could have been worse I guess.
Because of the sunny weather the favourite song of today is "Summerboy" by Lady GaGa. I know that Eli isn't a big fan of hers but I don't really mind her, she's just extremely excessive sometimes (Lady GaGa that is, not Eli). And this song just gives me a great feeling of summer, I don't really know why.
Short, productive but boring. That's what today was. Ow, and HOT AS HELL!!! Mostly when I was waiting for my bus but it was crazy. I think I should stop wearing jeans soon but I'm sure as soon as I do that the snow will watch me and think "HAHA!!! Now, she is vulnerable. We must attack!" I'm just waiting for it -_-
So I stole my friends phone today and started taking pictures while we were in the library with one of the apps he had on it. The first one I didn't do anything to but I thought it was cute.
I love pictures like these. Sure they are easy to take and maybe nothing too special but there's something about them that I really love.
Song of the day? I'm still hung over The Script so in a likewise manner I choose 'If you ever come back'. I hope you enjoy!
I got home late yesterday night and was too tired to write anything, but I'm going to tell you about the day now instead.
It was a special day yesterday, at least here in Sweden. Every year we celibrate the first of May by not having school or work that day, and the night before (30th of April) we light big fires around town and watch fireworks. Nowadays we say that we do it to greet the spring, but the tradition really comes from the old and supersticious days when the Swedes lit fires to keep witches and other supernatural creatures away.
I spent the night with a gang of old friends from my last class, which was great because it has been a while since we all talked and we had some catching up to do.
Moving on to what my day today was like. First I slept to about 11 then I decided to not let my afternoon go to waste and got up. I did about half of our psychology homework which later proved to be absolutely useless since we apparently don't have to hand it in tomorrow anyway.
I also had my first driving lesson today and it was amazing! I have been a bit hesitant about learning how to drive because I've felt like driving is for adults and I don't want to be an adult yet. But today when I sat at the wheel and drove around at the carriageway I felt so good and now I'm really looking froward to taking my drivers license.
I also broke my camera today which means that I might not have any pictures for a while.
Gosh, this is a long post, but now it's only the favourite song of the day left. So here it is; "Lucky" by Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat. It's a cute song that is nice to listen to if you don't feel like listening to a song with extremely meaningful lyrics.
Today was such a beautiful day! Today they welcomed spring to Sweden and it truly is spring now. I love it! Unfortunately, I had plans to go to town with one of my friends but due to some communication problems I ended up staying home. At first, I won't lie, I was quite annoyed not at my friend but because the day was so gorgeous that I could not spend it all indoors. So what I did was go for a nice walk with my aunt around the area we live in. It felt really great! I love beautiful days like these.
I love Plain White T's but this song is more special. It is their beautiful song called Boomerang. Enjoy! :)