Friday, 9 March 2012


Finally, it's Friday and the weekend has arrived, of course it only means more reading and studying but still good enough. We take what we get. Well, today wasn't an overly exciting day but it wasn't the worst either. We had our Friday 'Fika' which can be translated as having coffee or going out for a drink and snack or something but in this case we mean our class 'tea time'. What we do is that every Friday someone bakes something for the class and we eat it between the lessons physics and biology. Today, our friend Polina baked a chocolate cake and brought whipped cream.

The third picture of the girl squirting the cream out was our baker of today, Polina. 

Other than that we stayed in school late and at around 5:30 found firetrucks and police cars outside the building opposite our school. There was no actual fire visible but a faint smell of smoke, thankfully there didn't seem to be any major damage.

Today's favourite song is called "Laughing With God" by Regina Spektor, which you may think is rather contradictory since one of us (Olivia) is atheist and one (Eli) isn't sure in what she believes. But we both keep asking ourselves and discussing with each other what is real and what is not. Also, we are having a bit of a rough ending of our day and the song suits some of our emotions quite well right now. Link to the music video:

Yours sincerely,

1 comment:

  1. ok, that third pic..a bit fail n bit timing >D

