I've been trying to study since I came home and yes I have finally somehow succeeded but still feel like I don't know anything. I sat in my room with books open the whole day that my aunt made me a lovely dinner that I ate in my room near my books. So what am I waiting for? Tomorrow at exactly 14:50 because that's when my biology lesson ends and that's when I'm done with school for the week. I can't wait.
Funny Fact About Eli: When I study I like to eat snacks so I buy stuff like cookies or crisps or... cake! Today it was cookies. Might not be the funniest fact, I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this but whatever, there you go.
Song of the day is Down the Line by José González. I really love him and his music is perfect to listen to when you're down or just want to relaxe, like I do right now so enjoy! Ow and the video is weird but still, enjoy :D Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wppll7UYFVs
Yours sincerely,
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