Thursday, 22 March 2012

Mocking Jay

As Eli has mentioned I've been sick, for two days now, but tomorrow I'll be back in school just in time for friday and an economics test... Therefore, I'm studying right now, or at least I should be. But I'm kind of practicing my skill of procrastination for the moment by listening to the "The Hunger Games" -album. Which leads me to why I'm happy today: I got a text from my dear friend Felicia telling me that we have tickets for the movie "The Hunger Games"!!! So, on Saturday I'll hopefully have an amazing evening with the girls at the cinema. I'm a bit worried though that I'm going to be disappointed since my hopes are so high... But rihgt now let's celebrate with a pic from the movie!

And to make it clear that I'm very excited the favourite song of today is "Come Away To The Water" by Maroon 5 ft Rozzi Crane, from the soundtrack of the movie. A link to it is right here:

Yours sincerely

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