For the first time today, Olivia and I visited Felicia's home and it was so fun. We got to the bus stop at around 2 then started calling out Felicia's name while we waited for her because we didn't know the way to her house. So at her house we watched two movies. The first one was a movie called Nine which was an animated movie starring the voice of Elijah Wood and the second movie was called Tron Legacy. Both movies were really great although Tron was quite predictable. I had seen Nine before but even watching it for the second time is fun because it's a unique movie with a wonderful story line. I recommend it. Apart from that, Felicia has a really beautiful house and I shall be camping there from now on. I'm just kidding (if Felicia is reading this, if not then I'm not kidding. Shhhh!). Well, it was also nice to officially meet Felicia's mum.
Conclusion: Had a lot of fun at Felicia's.
I got home around 9 and by that time half an hour of earth hour had passed so I couldn't really do the whole earth hour but either way I tried to spend the other half an hour without switching on any electronics and it actually worked out. Half an hour is not that long anyway.
On our way to the bus stop from Felicia's place we saw a flower and the first thing Olivia said when she saw that was "Aaaaah, SPRING IS FINALLY HERE!!!" which is a little bit ironic considering the fact that today was quite cold but still... Yaaaaay!!! Spring is finally here!
That's about it from me but before I leave I give you the song of the day. Trade mistakes by Panic! At the disco and here is the link:
Yours sincerely,
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