Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Kinder surprise

I would have started with how annoying my cold is but I have bigger news to share. Something I found out today. So I found out that when there are no students roaming the halls of Katedral (my school) it turns into a camping ground. Let me explain. I went to school today with Felicia because we forgot our history books/notes and we found people stacking bags in front of our lockers and it really looked like they had just come from sleeping there and Felicia got there before me and said she actually saw some people lying there in front of our lockers. This is a case that must be investigated further. 

Well, other than that my day was both good and bad.
After visiting the school, Felicia came to finally see where I live and I showed her around and then showed her some of my pictures. I wish she could have stayed longer but we had plans to go somewhere else so we went to this small mall thing called Tornby where I tried to buy new earphones. 
Problem no.1: Wrong earphones! Now I have to return them -_-
Problem no.2: Forgot my hard drive so I didn't find the wire to connect to my computer! 
Problem no.3: had a problem with my bank card!
Problem no.4: it was cold!
On the bright side, Felicia was sweet enough to treat me to hot dogs and ice cream. Thank you! :) Then I left Felicia at the bus stop (she got this game stuck in my head now but I will not tell what the game is :P ) and when I got home I skyped with my brother. Which is one of the later great things that happened in my day. Earlier today I also talked to my mum and dad. It was great to hear their voices because as I mentioned earlier, I really miss them. 
Ow, here's a link to this cool site. I think it's supposed to work really well on iPhones and stuff but I used it on my computer and it's still super fun so give it a try. Here's the link:

So I'm going to almost end with how annoying my cold is. It's very annoying. I hate flu's! It went from my throat to my chest and now i just want to pass out. Ok, I'm joking, it's not that bad but it is annoying so tomorrow I just plan to sit my sick self down and do some history. I hope.

I got these in 2 kinder surprise eggs and with them you can draw that circle thing I drew above in the first picture. I love it, it's actually quite cool. I'm as easily amused as a child but a little rule in life: enjoy the little things. 

And today I found a song that perfectly describes how I'm feeling which is Here Without You by 3 Doors Down. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPBzTxZQG5Q&feature=endscreen&NR=1

Yours sincerely,

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