Monday, 16 April 2012

Summer Paradise

My Swedish teacher is psyching me out. She keeps telling me that the Swedish subject choice I want to take for next year is going too be too hard for me. Somebody please save me! Ah, you know what? I will be fine! Just fine! And I'm probably going to France next year. I'm both nervous and excited because although I love to travel, my French is quite rusty.
Other than that, first day of school was not too bad. Still wish I was still in my Easter holidays though. Never mind, the sooner it starts, the sooner it ends and Summer shall arrive soon enough. I'm really looking forward to summer and missing the last one I had. I'll keep counting the days down and soon enough it will be here again. 
I didn't take this picture but it is a little island in Tanzania (Dar es salaam) called Bongoyo. I went there last summer and I would love to go back. 

Well, that brings me to the song of the day which is Summer Paradise by Simple Plan featuring Sean Paul. Here's the link:

Yours sincerely,

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