Ok, that's not the point! I want to tell you about my day. Well, nothing happened :) the end!
I'm just joking with you. A lot happens in the everyday life of Eli and today was no exception. So, let's see. Today was the first day I talked to the new guy in our class who came last week and I am happy about that because I feel like if someone new comes to class it's everyone's job to welcome them so finally did my part. Another point, a more negative point for me was that today was also the first time I didn't enjoy my whole PE lesson (in case you don't understand me: PE=gym/physical education). There were only 9 people, 4 of us being girls and I felt like the class either needs more people or less people. I apologise but I did feel that some people made the lesson boring or just annoying and I would say 'maybe I'm being a sore loser' but even when I was in the winning team I was still disliking it. This was while playing volleyball but I guess playing football with a small group is quite ok. I feel a little bad about that though because it was Olivia who really wanted to play volleyball and I was excited because she was excited. Ah, one bad lesson out of several good ones won't kill me.
Ah, and a double bonus of the day. I finally cut my hair! I got rid of those stupid annoying split ends so I am super happy now. If you know how much I love my hair then you will understand me.
Evil split ends!
Do you think you know what the song of the day is? Or at least a part of the lyrics? I think not! Muahahahaha... No, it is not 'I would do anything for you' by Foster the people, but I will give you the link because perhaps you are curious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOIfNyBmZ0g
The song of the day actually is by one of my favourite bands and I was thinking about them today so here's 'The Catalyst' by Linkin Park. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51iquRYKPbs&feature=relmfu
Yours sincerely,
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